
Category Archives for "Hair Loss Prevention"

Stopping Hair Loss

Going bald or losing your hair not uncommon for men and for women.  It doesn’t matter your age or your gender, losing your hair is a traumatic experience for most people.  That is why we started our own hair line including wigs, hair extensions, and toppers.  We have a passion for restoring the human spirit.  

We could not find a magic formula for preventing hair loss, but we took back control by developing one of the finest hair systems on the planet.  Be sure to call us today at (650)212-2488 for your FREE consultation.  If you are not in the area of San Mateo, CA, don’t worry.  We have a ton of experience helping other clients using FaceTime, ZOOM video call or Skype video call.  We will take care of YOU.

With that being stated, we wanted to list a few things that may help slow down the loss of your golden locks.  Some of this suggestions came from Dr. Melissa Piliang, M.D., a hair-loss expert at Cleveland Clinic.  

When you are done reading some of the tips and suggestions, call us, the Hair-Restoration experts :).

CALL: 650 212 2488.  We will find a GREAT solution for YOU.


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